Sunday, September 30, 2012


So for this class, I'm supposed to post at least one blog every single's been a couple weeks since I posted on here, but I do believe there's a nifty little transition coming up into politics. Do you remember what was happening in the political world two weeks ago? I barely do. It was the whole fiasco over the Mother Jones video, the "47 percent."

And that's what I'm going to talk about today: the forgetfulness of the American Public. It doesn't matter how people feel now, for the most part. All that matters is how people feel about the candidates when the time for voting comes around. This 'iconosphere,' this entire world, filled with thousands and thousands of photos, videos, posters, etc.; it is constantly changing, preparing us or teaching us to think a certain way. Every one if them is an appeal, a plea, essentially, for votes.

Now, I wouldn't say that what happens today doesn't matter. It does, but only in the way that the first domino matters because of its connection to the last domino. This video prompts a response, which may even lead to something else. Even when they stop talking about it directly, that event will continue to have an effect on the 'image' which voter have of Romney, and it is something that he will either embrace or refute. And that action could be the one that defines his campaign, all the way up, and maybe even, on election day.

1 comment:

  1. That's a very nice and insightful entry. I do wonder, however, if it is that we forget or the news cycle makes it seem that we ought to forget. I definitely remember 47% remark and the video, even if it's 'old news'. There is clearly a lot of chatter that is not worth remembering - do you remember certain things and not others? How about your friends? I wonder if there is a generational gap in this respect.
