It's become such a tradition that I hardly notice anymore. Our colors are Red, White, and Blue, but for whatever reason, each of the parties in our two-party system have chosen to associate themselves with only one. All you have to do is watch the debates or look at a map to see it:

Well after looking at the Wikipedia page and a Smithsonian article, I realized that things are quite different now, from the way things used to be. In general, Democrats actually used to be red, and Republicans were blue, but some people used different colors or the system we use now. In Europe, the left was associated with red, and this influenced many of the color schemes.

Now, there is no doubt: Republicans are red, and Democrats are blue.
So what changed? Blame the 2000 Election, between Bush and Gore. It went on for so long, and maps were shown so often, that eventually, even unconsciously, everyone began to use the same scheme. People even started using the terms 'blue state' and 'red state,' to the point where today we don't even notice. These terms are cemented not only in our minds, but also in our visual culture. And they ain't gonna leave, either.
Check out my next post where I will examine the Elephant and Donkey.
Excellent entry. I did not know the colors switched - but it makes sense. Definitely red is left in the rest of the world.