Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Happy Wife, Happy Life

I know I said in my last post that I would talk about the Republican's trouble's in creating a new image, but for now I'll put that off, and focus on the success of the Democrats in creating Obama's image.

Today, I watched Michelle Obama's speech at the Democratic National Convention, and I found it not only amazing (regardless of your political affiliation) but also intriguing. Towards the beginning of the speech, they hovered on an angle that isn't normally used (shown below) for 15 entire seconds. It's a view from behind, and it's important because she doesn't hold an elected political post, yet she still faces the nation.

She's a normal woman, a mom with two girls. And through her amazing speaking skills, her conversational yet eloquent style, they can not only convince the nation that Obama is an amiable and hard-working, loving husband, but also that Obama is normal. I wouldn't say that Obama is weird, in any sense of the word, but I think we can all agree he isn't normal--he's the president of the United States of America. Through the words of Michelle Obama, and her touching stories of his humble beginnings, Obama has friendliness about him, a sense of connection with the people, without even saying a word.


  1. I definately agree that the view of Obama has been shaped well by the democratic party.
    This picture makes me remember the slogans I've seen on the internet about having Obama's back.
    I remember her saying something (maybe near the beginning of her speech, or at the end of the video shown before it) about having his back. That could be another reason why they chose to use such an angle.

  2. I agree it's a peculiar choice. It is generally interesting that candidates' wives play such an important role in campaigns today. I wander if a candidate who is single would fit our image of the president? How would that work for a woman? What would a speech by the first husband be like?
