Monday, September 17, 2012

Rack 'Em Up

This video from the Gregory Brothers and NY Times [] depicts an idea that I'm sure almost all people have thought of before: that politics is just a game where politicians try to say the right things to set people on their side. What they actually think is irrelevant, even when they become President.

A huge part of this game is how they are represented visually. Whether its in a political cartoon....

...or in an offical photo...

...the images of them can be extremely helpful or damaging. And that's what we've been studying in the Visual Culture of Politics class, A-H 360.

1 comment:

  1. I wish you had done more with that cartoon - it's very rich and ripe for analysis. Although this was posted after Sep. 15, I will count it towards your 4 entries. Please make sure to post entries on time for the next section.
